Sunday, May 30, 2010

Resources to Create Learning Environment

  • Teacher laptop
  • Projector used for videos and/or computer display
  • Airliner & wireless mouse
  • One classroom printer
  • Computer lab
  • COWs (Computers on Wheels) – classroom set of wireless laptops available for check-out
  • Flip Cameras
  • Digital Cameras
  • Subscriptions to Quia, Brainpop, and United Streaming
  • Grants for new technology
  • Fellow teachers, administrators, & library media specialist

My Ideal Learning Environment

According to Recesso & Orrill an ideal learning environment “has ample resources, easy access to materials, and comfortable surroundings” (p. 19). I would love to create this environment for my classroom. I hope to promote learning while having students use a variety of tools. Meeting the needs of every child is important so the use of differentiated instruction and teaching to the multiple learning styles is a must. Instead of being the traditional information deliverer, I would like to be a teacher that choreographs, questions, assesses, troubleshoots, engages, interacts, and facilitates.

Ideally, I would love to move my classroom from nonimmersive technologies to immersive technologies where students are able to enter a virtual environment. I would love to provide my students with “technology that augments the real-world experience” (Recesso & Orrill, p. 24). Since I teach ancient civilizations, this is very hard for my students. However using augmented reality, my students would be able to “visit” some of these places and/or museums.

Top 10 Elements of a 21st Century Classroom

1. Teachers, students, and parents will use technology to drive communication.

2. Students and teachers will work collaboratively.

3. Students and teachers will set high expectations and goals for themselves and others.

4. Teachers will differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every student.

5. Teachers will teach to multiple learning styles to meet the needs of every student.

6. Students and teachers will use a variety of technological tools to promote and advance learning.

7. Teachers will integrate technology tools into various types of instruction.

8. Teachers will continuously learn to design and facilitate learning experiences in an ever-changing world.

9. Students will be engaged in hands-on learning environments.

10. Students will learn how to be effective communicators practicing the ethics of technology.

Current & Future Technology in my Classroom

My classroom is just starting to evolve when it comes to technology. Within the last year or so, my building has adopted many new forms of technology so this year has very much been a learning process. Each classroom had a projector installed. Most rooms also got airliners. I have spent the last year learning about the airliner and am now ready to start using it more and more. This last year, each teacher also was given a teacher webpage. The year was spent learning all of the features and developing that page. In the future I am hoping to continue to learn more about what these new technologies can do for my classroom and my students. I am hoping to develop an environment where I can use this technology to create an engaging and interactive environment while facilitating student learning.